College & Graduate School Advising
At TBG, we facilitate a process that promotes self-awareness and personal growth so that students find “best fit” schools as they plan for their futures.
Our College Advising Services Include:
Guidance in coursework choices, summer planning, testing guidance (including recommendations for tutors), and profile building;
Summer program review;
In person (when possible) and virtual visit preparation and guidance;
College recommendation support;
An academic assessment identifying student’s goals and a strengths based analysis';
Creation of personalized detailed college lists;
Comprehensive search, finding the “right” school for you;
Creation of a custom, detailed, comprehensive timeline that begins with a college search and includes a final review of each application;
Parent / Student coaching session on what to expect during a school visit and how to interview with confidence, passion and purpose;
Two mock interviews with balanced feedback;
Essay editing for all application essays;
Resume building, samples;
Recommendation letter support;
Motivation coaching to keep you on task for school visits, interview scheduling, and admissions acceptance; and
Email support.
Young adulthood is a unique developmental phase of life. Teens are still discovering who they are; they are just beginning to envision who they will be as adults. We encourage candidates to reflect honestly on their personal strengths, challenges, and goals. We provide perspective and information about what a college experience can offer in the classroom and beyond. These strategies empower students to be themselves, make informed choices, and put their best foot forward as they apply to colleges. Short-circuiting this process can undermine students’ sense of self-worth.
At TBG, we believe strongly that the success of this work relies upon acting with honor and integrity in every interaction with students, parents, and schools. As mentors to the young people with whom we work, we model the importance of knowing and living your values. As professionals, we maintain specialized expertise in the full range of educational opportunities so that we can serve the full range of students with diverse interests and needs.
We help students find the best educational environment for beginning their adult lives.
With so much at stake, plus with the myriad of options to consider, and increased competition among candidates, it is no wonder that the college application process has become a rite of passage into adulthood. For many students, this is the first time living away from home, and it is an opportunity to employ self-reliance skills on a larger stage. Along with this burgeoning independence, college provides content and modes of thinking that students will carry forward into future careers.
The TBG team has extensive knowledge of the programs and campus cultures at institutions of higher learning. We also have first-hand knowledge of what colleges are looking for and what makes a candidate stand out from the crowd.
We help candidates make the most of this investment in their future.
By the time candidates pursue graduate-level education, they have established themselves as adults and are planning a significant investment in career goals. Yet having gone through the educational planning process before does not necessarily make choosing and applying to graduate schools any easier. Although their parents may still be somewhat involved, many candidates are now primarily responsible for their own educational planning. In addition, many candidates come back to school after having been in the workforce, using education to take their careers in a new direction. The TBG team’s expertise helps candidates be efficient and effective at focusing their goals, researching graduate institutions, and accessing opportunities at competitive and prestigious programs.